The Finishers Journal has helped me stay focused through the many facets of my growth both in business and in my personal life. I’ve been navigating real estate deals, business purchases, business expansion, things around my home and personal life with MUCH more clarity and a deeper sense of knowing I’m doing the best thing to move forward in life. I’d say the biggest thing the journal has brought is clarity.
I'm on my second journal, and I'll have many more. The things I'm able to accomplish by making subtle commitments to myself have been incredible. This journal is the gentle nudge that keeps me going day after day. Thank you
I love that so many good journaling techniques are embedded within one page.
I love lists, organizers and planners of all ilks. Previously, I’ve used versions that give me too many options and lead me to overwhelm and “undone.”
Working with Finisher (with it’s built-in constraints) is frustrating because I am having to unlearn some bad habits. But it’s intuitive and glaringly straightforward approach is training me to only plan for what I can actually do in a day.
Such an easy flowing manual to set your goals in motion and motivate you to keep on top of them. Thank you for creating this!
As someone that enjoys business planning and using a journal, this took it to another level in prioritizing and focusing on the most important items to move the needle. Love it.
I am really glad I found these journals... it is really helpful for keeping the focus on a single important task at a time.
Really great. Any nitpicks I have are so specific I would be better off creating my own planner from scratch than note them here. This system has really helped me in the goal finishing process. Thank you so much!

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