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Timeboxing: Learn This Time Management Technique To Destroy Procrastination in 5-Minutes

Most millionaires and billionaires on the planet don't use traditional to-do lists.

Instead, they use a system called timeboxing. A time management technique Harvard Business Review called "The Most Effective Way To Increase Productivity."

Timeboxing is used by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, and more…

And using the timeboxing technique, you can beat procrastination and distraction in less than 5 minutes a day.

timeboxing, time management, timeboxing technique

What is The Timeboxing Technique?

The timeboxing technique is a simple and easy time management technique where you 'box' out your time to work on one activity. Your only duty in that set time is to complete that one task, and stop working once the planned time period runs out.

This gives you a self-imposed deadline and dramatically improves your focus, forcing you to take on each task one at a time, eliminating distractions and boosting your productivity.

And it’s been used by successful people for centuries. In fact, Ben Franklin used the timeboxing technique in his daily planning.

Now, why does timeboxing work?

  • Assigning deadlines to your tasks reduces the urge to procrastinate
  • Working on one task at a time allows you to focus for longer periods of time
  • It gives structure to your day and puts you in full control of your time

    timeboxing calendar, timeboxing technique, timeboxing template

    How to Timebox


    Inspired by Benjamin Franklin's planner, the daily pages of Finisher's Journal enable you to timebox your day using the traditional method of pen and paper and our timeboxing template.

    Here's how you use them:

    1. Identify your most important tasks for the day on the left
    2. On the right, after filling in any meetings or events, you timebox your tasks for the day, allocating uninterrupted time to your most important tasks

    Even better, this whole process takes less than 5 minutes per day!

    timeboxing, timeboxing planner, timeboxing schedule


    Now, you may have used bullet journaling in the past. If so, then you know there are certain ways you can check off your to-do list.

    For the Finisher's Journal, we have 4 suggested ways to check off or defer tasks:

    1. Show completed tasks by blocking out the box
    2. Using an arrow to move them to another day
    3. Delete tasks by putting an X
    4. Show a task needs to be completed by coloring in half of the box

    The secret hack to getting the most out of this system?

    We recommend using our timeboxing planner for your three most important tasks for the day. This helps you to get the most out of your time and keep full focus on moving towards your goals.

    Finishers Journal daily page with tasks marked off

    Get Started With The Timeboxing Method Now

    Join the thousands of entrepreneurs who are using the Finisher's Journal right now to improve their productivity and revenue by up to 300%.

    With Finisher's Journal, you get three months’ worth of timeboxing templates, along with many other productivity tools to destroy procrastination, build success habits, and achieve your goals fast.

    finishers journal, productivity journal, journaling


    Master Your Focus With The Finisher's Journal

    Join over 40,000+ entrepreneurs that use this journal daily to...

    • End Procrastination
    • Cut Distractions
    • Makes progress everyday


    • Reader

      DJ Jensen
    • Can’t wait to give my time structure and purpose.

      Rachel M Farparan

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